My iPod contains about 400-500 songs collected from iTunes, nefarious peer-to-peer servers, and ripped CDs from various sources (libraries, siblings stash). I've got a hodgepodge of songs that if you looked thro' my collection, you would think I've got a schizo musical personality. So when my friend Horacio blogged about this game and I saw his results, I was intrigued to see what I would get.
Here's how the game goes:
The directions are: You turn on your iPod. Shuffle. Play. The songs that come up answer the following questions in order (You can't change the questions and you can't skip songs. Be honest).
1. How does the world see you?Interpol [Obstacle 1] Brooding. Intense. Pensive. Interpol's all about intensity. I can be intense and brooding. Depends. When I was in school, fulltime, I was pretty intense. Once I got out of class and into summer, I relaxed, kicked back, and took on another persona. But at work, yeah, you can call me intense and broody.
2. Will I have a happy life?Coldplay [Square One] "You're in control, is there anyplace you wanna go?"
Hell yeah! One of my more favorite songs from the X&Y album that doesn't sound wussy. From the rocking guitar synths and riffs to Martin's lyrics, this song is straightforward to me: you're in charge of your own life, no matter how small you may appear to others, what life puts in your path, it doesn't matter who are, don't let anthing hold you back
This song just adds more fuel to my fire. Life is hard but its what you make of it.
3. What do my friends think of me?112 [Dance with Me]According to the song, I'm flirty, like having a good time, and telling boys that they should be here with me, chilling with me, freaking with me (according to Dru Hill at least). Well, I know that when I'm in the mood for a good time, I definitely don't hold back and don't care if I look like a fool while doing it. This song definitely brings back memories of being single--oh those were the days! Hahahahaha. This song also reminds me of AASA Asian Date Auctions and partying in the clubs. And also, apparently, I'm sexy because I'm clapping to this song. Clap, clap, clap!
4.Do people secretly lust after me?George Michael's [Too Funky]I am a hottie tamale. I'm not making this up, this did actually come up and yes, I do listen to George Michael! This song makes my booty twitch and reminds me of the video that I saw on VH-1 in the 90s: Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks, Naomi, Linda Evangelista walking along the catwalk looking sexy as hell. Well, since I was named after Cindy Crawford, apparently, I am lustable, drive men crazy, and can get funky. Lyrical choruses include:
"Would you like me to seduce you?" + "Everybody wants a lover like that!"
How flattering.
5. How can I make myself happy?Elastica [Connection]Ahhhh. This was one of the first songs that connected me with my alternative feminista self-identity. How can I make myself happy? Easily... make others fall for me for who I am [and the connection was made]. Very short song. Otherwise I can interpret it as being a rocker chick, taking no shit from other people, and breaking walls down cause that makes me happy.
6. What should I do with my life?Kelly Clarkson [Walk Away]Wow. Haha. Apparently, I should just walk away if I don't have the answer to my question. In my life right now that would mean leaving my job. Kelly Clarkson's no-nonsense, wailin' voice is saying, "Should you stay or should you go? Hey, hey, hey, hey! Just walk away!" Does anyone really know what they want to do with their lives, jobwise? I think for alotta us, myself included, we can always count to rule out what we don't want to do.
That's what I want to interpret it
7. Will I ever have children?Paramore [Whoa]"We gotta everybody singin' Whooaa, Whoooaa, Whooaaa....We can do this on our own! We got everybody singing' Whoa Whoaaaa!!" "I don't want you to get me through this....I don't want to start over again..."
Wow, I think this question makes me think I'm going to have kids, justfinethankyouverymuch! Either way, it looks like I got the whole damn rock band cheering after me. Either I'm going to be a single mother or I'm gonna have problems getting pregnant, then I'll finally achieve pregnancy, and have, like, septuplets.
Whooaa indeed.
8. What is some good advice for me?Justin Timberlake [Cry me a River]Always take revenge on those who do me wrong.
You're so right JT! Never, ever, date cheaters. When, not if, I find out they were, those bridges will burn and they'll cry me a river for all I care.
9. How will I be remembered?Madonna [Hung Up]Those who run seem to have all the fun..."
Oh my god, this is one of my favorite Madonna songs, right after Bad Girl and Nothing Really Matters. How will I be remembered? As a chameleon? A phoenix rising from the ashes of disco glitter? I prefer being remembered as a person who doesn't tolerate waiting on others and grabs life by the roller skates. As a girl who's fed up with people who can't commit and has friends who understand that mindset. I hate indecisiveness but I can be very indecisive just like Madonna's predictament in the beginning of the song. But once I straighten out, I go all out. I have little patience.
10. What's my signature dance song?Coldplay [Shiver] of Coldplay's more optimistically sweet songs from the Parachutes album.
Romantic, shy, shuffle-side-step, shuffle-side-step type of song. Its the type of song you can belt out to your boyfriend, in the car, hand motions timed to the do I know this? Cause I've actually done it! Ha ha ha! This song played at Revolver, back when it was near Sunset Place in my freshman year. I swayed with the crowd, singing with everybody at the top of our lungs. I love this love song...
11. What's my current theme song?Queens of the Stone Age [Go with the flow]Hard guitar detached voice of the singer dreamily singing along: "I can goooo with the flow...don't say it doesn't matter with the believe it in your head.... "I want something to die for to make it beautiful to live."
This song sums up my attitude in life. Go with the flow, don't sweat the small details, and life is too short to be stressed.
More advice I should take to heart.
12. What do others think my current theme song is?DJ Amin Van Buren [Burned with Desire]This whole song's about mourning a love lost and being the one left behind.
iPod, are you trying to tell me something I'm not getting?!
Ummm...not too sure about that. I'm happy in my current relationship.
13. What shall they play at my funeral?Scissor Sisters [Take Your Mama]Wow this is eerie. I would actually play this song at my funeral. Its a cheeky, piano-banging Elton Johnish tale of living large, not afraid of shaking your hair out, and celebrating.
Lyrics go like this: "We're gonna get your mama out, we're gonna show her all what it's all about get her jacked up on some cheap champagne and let the good times roll out....and if the music gets cut out, we're gonna sing it out....
14. What type of men do I like?Bjork [Hyperballad]I like men who like Bjork. No, no. I like men who can understand this song. About understanding my sense of loneliness, whimsicalness, melancholy, curiousity, and the desire for feeling safe in someone's arms. I played this song on Bjork's Telegraph CD till it got scratched. I love Bjork's wonder-child voice and her lyrics, she's unique, one-of-a-kind ingenue, truly original.
15. How's my love life?Franz Ferdinand [Take Me Out]This song makes me feel hot. Quick, somebody get me a leatherclad guy so I can wrap my leg around him (fanning self furiously). This whole song's about anticipation and I am big about anticipation. That's the spice of life and thats all I can afford to say without going X-rated.
Let's just say I am happy about my love life.