Blogging to: Lupe Fiasco's "Kick Push"
That's right, I've dipped my lil' bitty toe back into the writing pool.
The gig's pretty sweet, I get to write one blurb a week about the cool website of the week, whatever catches my fancy, say Chuck Norris or Bunnies or YouTube nonsense. Most of time, I've been a longtime fan of the site or I stumble across it accidentally late at night (like
Google's SMS service). My personal fav had to be about
Angry Alien (above), its priceless.
How'd I land the gig? The weekly "Cool Website of the Week" feature was designed to engage more to younger readers (ie, folks like us). Of course, the websites I kept seeing by design were pretty lame in my book. Constant nagging. Constant "Hey, I think this is pretty cool..." and "You heard of this one?" the editor just got fed up and gave it to me. End of story, eh.
I like writing these pieces, short and sweet, keep it funny if you can, smart if you can't.
So, if you guys know anything interesting, water-cooler worthy, shoot me a comment and lemme know, who knows, maybe I'll post it here. Har.