Monday, February 20, 2006

Current Mood


Listening to Interpol's Evil on repeat.
You can hear it for yourself for a free download of the single here.
Doing some thinking that I want to put off but not sure if I should.
How much can you trust your gut?


On another note...have you heard of Radioblog? Its a blog addition that you can add to your site where you can feature streaming music in its entirety. Visiters can see your music selection and listen live on the internet. If you visit you can search any song, artist, album and pull up a list of radioblogs that contain'em. I like it because you can sample entire songs @ work, the library, etc. PLUS you can then choose to buy it from iTunes versus being limited to only hearing 30sec clips of songs.
Search these songs:

1. MIA - Galang
2. Bloc Party - Banquet
- Like Eating Glass
3. The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary

I think all these songs would be great to drive to.


Anonymous said...

Cindy I love that song, Galang. Her other stuff is a little too out there for me, but I can get into that one unlike Bucky Done Gun. Its interesting though. :0)

ms.dearlydevoted said...

I love Bucky Done Gun!
In fact, I thik I can shake my booty to that better :D

Anonymous said...

Maybe I just wasn't ready for it yet. :0p
I liked the video

Anonymous said...

MIA's Galang gets annoying... not to mention it says GALANG. lol. you hear it all the time in the theater for that HONDA CIVIC commercial. I like her art.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I love that wig on scarlet johansson (sp?) -- makes me wanna dres s all funky during karaoke.